ISITIA Final Manuscript Preparation
- Revise your manuscript based on the comments from the reviewers, and prepare the final manuscript version.
- When you register for the conference, please kindly write a brief list of revisions made to your manuscript in the conference registration form. Please note that the final manuscript submission process is separate from the registration process.
- Please make sure the formatting of your paper follows the IEEE conference style template (4 – 6 pages, two columns, A4 size page). Extra pages up to 8 pages is allowed with additional charge.
- Generate your final manuscript pdf using IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure that it is IEEE Xplore compliant. Please follow the guideline below on how to use IEEE PDF eXpress. This PDF will become your final manuscript file that you need to upload in EDAS.
- You are required to transfer copyright of your manuscript to IEEE through EDAS electronically. Please click on the copyright icon (c) on the manuscript line inside the “My Papers” page in EDAS. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE TITLE AND AUTHORS ENTERED IN EDAS ARE CORRECT BEFORE PERFORMING THIS STEP.
IEEE PDF eXpress Guidelines (for ISITIA papers)
- Make sure your manuscript has been revised.
- Visit the website of IEEE PDF eXpress at
- First time users should do the following:
- Select the New Users – Click here link.
- Enter the following:
- 47536X for the conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
- Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the same steps above, but should enter the same password that was used for the previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- For each paper ID that is created, IEEE PDF eXpress is able to convert up to 20 source files and perform checking of 10 PDF files. Source files can be from Microsoft Word, and many others. For more details, visit