Camera Ready Guidelines

Please follow these steps in order for your paper to be included in the ISITIA 2018 proceedings:

  1. Register for the conference (please see this link).
  2. Revise your manuscript based on the comments from the reviewers, and prepare the final manuscript version. 
  3. Please make sure the formatting of your paper follows the IEEE conference style template (4 – 6 pages, two columns, A4 size page).
  4. Generate your final manuscript pdf using IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure that it is IEEE Xplore compliant. Please follow this guideline on how to use IEEE PDF eXpress. This PDF will become your final manuscript file that you need to upload in EDAS.
  5. You are required to transfer copyright of your manuscript to IEEE through EDAS. Currently we are still waiting for the EDAS system to be set up for the IEEE eCopyright link to be active. Therefore you cannot perform this step yet at this moment. We will notify you as soon as the link becomes available. We appreciate your patience.