

The submitted paper must be formatted according to standard IEEE conference paper template found at the following link

Submission checklist

  1. All submission will be handled electronically using EDAS system at following link
  2. By submitting a paper through EDAS system, the authors agree to policies of EDAS system.
  3. The paper must be formatted using IEEE conference template. Please ensure that the submitted paper use A4 paper size format.
  4. CENIM use single-blind review process. Please provide all authors information in the submitted paper clearly.
  5. Please ensure that the submitted paper contains no more than 6 pages (including references) and can be extended to 8 pages (including references) with additional charges. A lengthy paper will be rejected without review.

Submission procedure

  1. Logging into EDAS system, if you new to EDAS please register to the system.
  2. Update information (including affiliations).
  3. Go to submission site at following link
  4. Fill all metadata information for the paper.
  5. Fill all information of the authors.
  6. Upload the pdf paper via EDAS and make sure that all checking process in the EDAS submission system was passed.

Publication Ethics

Conflict Responsibilities: It is the primary author's responsibility to ensure that all authors on their paper have registered their institutional conflicts into EDAS. If a paper is found to have an undeclared or incorrect institutional conflict, the paper may be summarily rejected. To avoid undeclared conflicts, the author list is considered to be final after the submission deadline and no changes are allowed for accepted papers.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of appropriating the words or results of another, without credit. CENIM 2019's policy on plagiarism is to refer suspected cases to the IEEE Intellectual Property office, which has an established mechanism for dealing with plagiarism and wide powers of excluding offending authors from future conferences and from IEEE journals. You can find information on this office, their procedures, and their definitions of five levels of plagiarism at this webpage. We will be actively checking for plagiarism. Furthermore, the paper matching system is quite accurate. As a result, it regularly happens that a paper containing plagiarized material goes to a reviewer from whom material was plagiarized; experience shows that such reviewers pursue plagiarism cases enthusiastically.

Attendance responsibilities: The authors agree that if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper there.