Final Submission

Final Submission Instruction

  • Revise the paper for camera-ready based on the reviewer comments. We will be re-checking the camera-ready paper with the reviewer comments.
  • To avoid any delay, please make sure that your camera-ready paper does not contain any header or footer information and follows the IEEE Conference template (4-8 pages, two columns, A4 size page).
  • Use PDF eXpress to check the format of your paper. Login to the PDF eXpress site using 48368X for the Conference ID (you may require creating the PDF eXpress account).
  • Submit the camera-ready paper via EDAS system.
  • You are required to transfer copyright of your manuscript to IEEE through EDAS electronically. Please click on the copyright icon (c) on the manuscript line inside the “My Papers” page in EDAS. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE TITLE AND AUTHORS ENTERED IN EDAS ARE CORRECT BEFORE PERFORMING THIS STEP.
  • Register to the CENIM 2019 conference (please see the registration page).