Decision Support System untuk Swasembada Jagung Nasional dalam mendukung Sustainable Food Security

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Diesta Iva Maftuhah
Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo
Aisyah Nisrina Hamidah
Akbar Faktorial Sain


Corn is one of the main commodities in supporting Indonesia's food crop economy and is one of six strategic targets to accelerate the development of Indonesia's agricultural infrastructure. To achieve self-sufficiency in corn that can meet national needs and availability, it can be done by reducing import activities. Because there are many variables within the system that have interdependencies, system dynamics simulation is an appropriate approach to be used to cope with the complexity and uncertainty of this system continuously. Therefore, this study aims to create a decision support system (DSS) regarding zero imports of corn to support sustainable food security. This research was conducted by running three scenarios, namely Scenario I (using 80% of hybrid superior seeds), Scenario II (proportion of corn sales to the industrial market by 85%), and Scenario III (a combination of Scenarios I and II). Based on the results of the study, it was found that the best scenario was Scenario III which had an impact on imports by 30% and corn export revenues by 77%.

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