SISFO <p style="font-size: 35px;"><strong>SISFO</strong></p> <p style="font-size: 20px;">Journal of Information Systems</p> <p style="font-size: 20px;">Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Sholiq, S.T., M.Kom., MSA | <a title="View Editorial Board" href="">View Editorial Board</a></p> <p style="font-size: 15px;">&nbsp;</p> <p>Jurnal SISFO is an&nbsp;<strong>Open Access Academic Journal</strong>&nbsp;dedicated to publishing high-quality research in information systems (IS) discipline. It aims to provide an&nbsp;opportunity for IS researchers to publishing their original works openly and conveniently while complying with scientific review process as an open access journal.</p> <p>Jurnal SISFO issues three times a year in January, May and September. We open for paper submission through all the year. Additionally, a&nbsp;special issue is available to promote a wide range of specific topics in IS discipline. We conduct a blind review process with two independent reviewers in order to maintain the quality of the papers.</p> en-US <p><strong>Copyright</strong><br>All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the journal.</p> (Faizal Mahananto) (Rizal Risnanda) Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Evaluasi Gim Edukasi Berbasis Kerangka Berpikir MDA <p>Perancangan sebuah gim edukasi memerlukan strategi yang berbeda, dibandingkan merancang gim untuk hiburan, untuk memastikan bahwa tujuan pembelajaran yang diangkat oleh gim dapat dicapai. Sehingga perlu pendekatan formal untuk memastikan strategi tersebut dapat diimplementasikan, salah satunya dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja MDA yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis sebuah gim edukasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan gim edukasi yang sebelumnya dikembangkan tanpa pendekatan MDA dengan gim edukasi yang sama, tetapi telah dievaluasi dan dikembangkan ulang menggunakan pendekatan MDA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam proses perancangan gim edukasi “Fable Quest” yang meliputi masukan, teknik, dan luaran. Proses perancangan yang menggunakan pendekatan MDA dapat menghasilkan gim edukasi yang tepat sasaran.</p> Nisfu Asrul Sani, Ilham Cahya Suherman Copyright (c) 2023 SISFO Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:14:52 +0000 Pembuatan Purwarupa Digital dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking Sebagai Strategi Bisnis di PT XYZ <p>Dalam mencapai keunggulan bersaing, perusahaan perlu menyusun strategi dengan pendekatan yang tepat. Salah satu cara memenangkan persaingan di era digital adalah dengan melakukan digital transformasi. Proses digital transformasi memungkinkan perusahaan memberikan informasi lebih cepat kepada user. Namun perlu diwasapadai atas proses digital transformasi yang tidak berbasis <em>user-cetered</em> karena berpotensi menyebabkan <em>digital transformation trap</em>. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. Kastara Group Indonesia, merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada perdagangan besar dan saat ini sedang dalam proses penyusunan strategi tumbuh kembang bisnis pada perusahaan. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus tunggal holistik digunakan untuk mendapatkan data mendalam pada proses penyusunan strategi digital transformasi berbasis <em>user-centered.</em> Penelitian ini mengungkapkan implementasi <em>design thinking </em>pada proses digital trasnformasi yang dimulai dengan penilaian atas kondisi internal dan eksternal, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan fokus produk, proses validasi, penyusunan <em>business model</em> dan pembuatan <em>mockup </em>digital prototype.</p> Helena Hanindya Kartika Putri, Febby Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 SISFO Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:16:24 +0000 Digital Information Utilization to Evaluate Financial Performance in Mining Industry <p>This study uses the digital information of financial service authority to evaluate the finances of several mining companies in Indonesia. Digital information at this stage will be one of the uses of data to evaluate company finances, especially during a change in strategy of holding. The holding strategic has the impact to the financial performance of Indonesia mining industry, holding strategy is kind of strategy to centralize the managerial of shares in several enterprises into one board of direction. That strategy of holding has implemented in the current of 2 (two) years since the last year of 2017. The main problem that existed before in previous study is about the reason of holding strategy implementation is including problem of financial performance, and this study would be measured the impact of holding strategic to financial performance in the mining industry with the quarter period start from March 2015 until September 2019. Research analysis of this study, will start from 3 (three) stages of pre-analysis, in order to find out the problem of financial performance in each mining enterprise, the result of financial performance found that there is any development point in efficiency towards measuring in data envelopment analysis, and also for financial distress measurement there is also has development of financial performance, some of enterprises in mining industry has developing part in financial distress measurement. implemented. The second is about the relationship of holding strategy and financial performance through the analysis reliability and validity test, there is a continuity of relationship between holding strategic and financial performance. The last analysis is logistic regression measurement, that measurement analysis is about the benchmark whether the holding strategic can develop some financial performance in mining industry and found the result that there is any good impact and perfect correlation in the holding strategic and financial performance.</p> Riza Rizqiyah Copyright (c) 2023 SISFO Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:17:19 +0000 Transformasi Digital Startup: Pendekatan Berorientasi pada User <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses transformasi digital yang sesuai untuk sebuah startup dengan pendekatan berorientasi pada pengguna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis studi kasus tunggal holistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses transformasi digital yang sesuai meliputi tahap-tahap penerapan design thinking, pembentukan business model canvas, pemetaan perjalanan pengguna dengan customer journey map, pengujian business model untuk mendapatkan feedback, dan pembentukan prototype digital.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Riefky Prabowo, Febby Candra Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 SISFO Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:17:57 +0000 Implementation of Website-Based Network Administration Automation within the Ministry of Social Affairs <p>Today the use of computer networks has been implemented in almost every organization to communicate with parties who need them by granting access permissions. As a network management organization with a large number of devices, the challenge that currently has to be faced by the Data and Information Center of the Ministry of Social Affairs is that the administrative records of network devices and the installation of network devices are not well documented so it’s difficult for network administrators every configure network device with different types and brands. Therefore, this research focuses on implementing a website-based network administration automation system so the data storage system is integrated and becomes a solution for carrying out complex network tasks that can be completed much more quickly and efficiently. The research method consists of identifying requirement, designing, implementing, and testing network administration automation systems. The results of this study indicate that a network administration automation system can facilitate device administration staff in managing device data; technicians in managing device installation data; coordinator in verifying device installation; and network administrators in configuring devices therefore minimizing the time needed by network administrators in configuring and reduce the possibility of network administrators making configuration errors</p> Gumilar Mukti, Made Kamisutara Copyright (c) 2023 SISFO Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:18:32 +0000