Call for Paper
You are invited to submit your full paper to ISFAChE 2022. This year is the 4th event since 2010 and we are proud to present this year event to gather all researchers, communities, societies, and stakeholder to give them the opportunity to disseminate their research and innovation. The conference will be held on October 26th-27th, 2022 under the theme “The Role of Chemical Engineering Trough Circular Economy to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. We are honor to see you participating in the event and contributing your research on the following topics but not limited to:
- Thermodynamics and Separation Processes
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
- Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
- Food and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Chemical Industrial Safety and Management
- Advanced and New Materials
- Process Systems Engineering
- Renewable and Energy Conversion
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Waste Treatment and Management
The abstract submission process uses the EasyChair call for paper platform. Please notice, before submitting a paper, you have to create an account on EasyChair platform.