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Presentation Guidelines


The ISFAChE 2022 will be held virtually on Zoom platform and will function similarly to any in-person conference. Presentations are organized into sessions based on a subject and allocated a virtual space. Paper presentations might be pre-recorded or delivered live during the conference. Those who choose to pre-record their presentation should be physically present for the duration of the event in order to answer questions and participate in the conversation.

Following the talks, there will be time for questions and discussion. Depending on the time allotted for the discussion, the session chairman will choose a few questions and read them to the presenter.

Unless otherwise advised by participants, all the sessions will be fully recorded and made available for watching online, only to those who have registered, during the conference and the month after. This will allow participants in less favorable time zones or life situations to catch up with content.

Preparing The Presentation

Two presentation types are provided for presenters:

Paper sessions
The participants that have registered as Oral presenters are given a 10-minute presentation followed by 5-minute question periods. 

The presenter may use the following alternatives to deliver their presentation.

  1. Live presentation
    The participants should display their presentation on PowerPoint (or equivalent software) the same way as they would for an in-person conference. In delivering the content of the presentation, the presenter should share the computer screen with the audience. Only paper sessions are allowed for using this option.
  2. Pre-recorded presentation
    This option allows you to record yourself in a narrated presentation video. The duration of the video has to follow the allocated time. You can use the software or application of your choice to prerecord your presentation.

Some resources that you may find useful or interesting to support your presentation are listed below:

  1. PowerPoint
  2. Zoom
  3. Prezi
  4. Screencast

Some online resources provide free template for download:

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