ICoSNHT 2024

International Conference on Sciences, Nano and Healthcare Technologies

About Us

Health is a basic human need. Various sciences and technologies that are developed can be applied in this health sector. Changes in lifestyle indirectly affect the quality of human health. In order to balance this condition, the development of science and technology continues to be carried out to be applied to current conditions in the health sector.


  • Future Medical Technology for Humanity
  • Science and Its Application for Universal Healthcare

Conference Scope

Application of Fundamental Science for Medics and Healthcare

Application of Material and Nanotechnology for Medics and Healthcare

Application of Internet of Things and Artificial Engineering (IoT-AI) for Medics and Healthcare

Prof. Rameen Shakur

School of Applied Sciences Centre for Precision Health and Translational Medicine

University of Brighton

Prof. Ratna Ediati

Department of Chemistry

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Prof. Chung Feng Jeffrey Kuo

Departement of Material Science and Technology

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Prof. Uda Hashim

Professor in Nanoelectronic and Microelectronic Engineering

Prof. Nico Verdonschot

Scientific director of the Technical Medical Centre (TechMed Centre)

University of Twente


Conference Timeline

  1. Abstract Submission

  2. Abstract Acceptance Notification

  3. Full Paper Submission

  4. Early Bird Registration

  5. Normal Registration

  6. Conference

Conference Venue

ITS Research Center

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