19 - 20 November, 2019, Surabaya City, Indonesia

CENIM 2019

International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia

News and Updates

The notification results have been sent to several authors. Congratulation for those who the paper is accepted for the conference. If you don't receive the notification email, please wait for the email for one or two days because some of the paper is still under review finalization phase.

Thank you and see you in Surabaya

Due to the many requests, the submission deadline has been extended to 15 Augustus 2019. The date is a hard deadline for paper submission, no further deadline extension.

Prof. Vanessa Evers from the University of Twente had accepted the invitation as CENIM 2019 keynote speaker. The biography of Prof. Vanessa Evers is available on Speaker page.

CENIM 2019
International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia 2019

Conference Theme: "Trends on Future Technology in The Era of Internet of Things and Big Data to Improve The Quality of Human Life"

International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM) 2019 is an annual international conference organized by The Department of Computer Engineering - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (DCE-ITS). The goal of this conference is to facilitate researchers, practitioners and lecturers around the world to publish, explore and share their current research in Computer Engineering and related fields in modern computer network technology such as Cloud Computing, IoT and Computer Security, Intelligent Multimedia including Image and Video Processing, Game Technology, and other Computational Systems such as Embedded Systems and its related topics.

The theme of this conference is "Trends on Future Technology in The Era of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Big Data to Improve the Quality of Human Life". Many research topics can be covered due to the IoT and Big Data theme, such as: energy, health, education, transportation, water, security, etc. Topic of interest includes, but not limited to:

  • Computer Engineering: Internet-of-Things, Embedded System, Robotics, UAV, Ubiquitous Computing, Digital Signal Processing, Mechatronics, and Automation.
  • Networking: Computer Network, Wireless Sensor Network, Mobile, Information Security, Digital Forensics, Web Intelligent, and Big Data.
  • Inteliigent Multimedia: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Image & Video Processing, Game Technology, and Machine Learning for Image & Video
  • Information Technology: ICT in Smart City, Information System, Information Management, and Information Processing

CENIM 2019 conference has been approved by IEEE Indonesia Section for Technical Co-sponsorship and IEEE ITS Student Branch for Sponsoring the Conference.

All paper that are registered and presented in the conference will be submitted to IEEEXplore digital library.

No-Show policy. The IEEE has implemented policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication, such as exclusion from IEEE Xplore. Such papers will be archived at IEEE but will not be indexed or appear in IEEE Xplore.

Our previous conference website can be view at following link.
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November 19 - 20, 2019 in Surabaya

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:

1 July 2019 15 Augustus 2019

Notification of Paper Acceptance:

15 September 2019

Camera Ready Deadline:

15 October 2019

Early Bid Deadline:

5 October 2019

Conference Date:

19 - 20 November 2019


21 November 2019

Keynote Speakers