
Thank you very much for the author that already registered for presentation session of CENIM-RCCIE 2018.

The general and parallel session schedule of the conference is available at the following link:
[General Schedule]
[Parallel Session Schedule]

If you have any inquiries regarding this joint conference, please don't hesitate to contact us. For more information about the joint conference, you can click this link :

Dr. Adhi Dharma Wibawa
Technical Program Committee-Chair of CENIM - RCCIE 2018
Dept. of Computer Engineering, ITS


CENIM - RCCIE 2018 Conference is a Joint Conference of The International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia 2018 and The 11th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering 2018. This conference will be organized by the Department of Computer Engineering - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia and co-organized by AUN/SEED-Net. CENIM has been approved for technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Indonesia Section. The papers of CENIM 2018 will be processed to be indexed by IEEExplore (


ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) has been established to promote human resource development in engineering for sustainable socio-economic development of the ASEAN region. The network consists of 26 member institutions in ASEAN with assistance from 14 Japanese supporting universities.

Regional Conference (RC) of AUN/SEED-Net

The Regional Conference Program (RC) is a platform to share the most updated technology and research in regional common issues. The RC Program also provides opportunities for participants to discuss future collaborations and activities related to each engineering field. Moreover, it aims at maximizing the outreach of the AUN/SEED-Net Network for stronger impacts by involving external participants such as representatives from the government, industry, community, non-Member Institutions (MIs), and other professional organizations.

All accepted papers in the AUN/SEED-Net RCCIE Conference that are registered and presented in the conference will be submitted to be included in the Asean Engineering Journal (AEJ)

CENIM 2018

International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM) 2018 is an international conference that will be organized by The Department of Computer Engineering - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (DCE-ITS). The goal of this conference is to facilitate researchers, practitioners and lecturers around the world to publish, explore and share their current research in Computer Engineering and related fields in modern computer network technology such as Cloud Computing, IoT and Computer Security, Intelligent Multimedia including Image and Video Processing, Game Technology, and other Computational Systems such as Embedded Systems and its related topics.

CENIM 2018 conference has been approved by IEEE for technical co-sponsorship with conference record number #45257. All accepted papers that are registered and presented in the conference will be submitted in the IEEEXplore digital library.

Conference Location

The place of the conference is the city of Surabaya, which is a city that has won many awards in Smart City and other related subjects. Thus, a conference with a theme related to Smart City is fitting to be held in Surabaya. Below are the list of awards achived by the government of Surabaya City that has been achieved due to a good masterplan in e-Gov and Smart City.

  1. Award for the Predicate of Compliance with public service standards In accordance with Law 25/2009 on Public Services
  2. Indonesia City Award
  3. e-Dishub Award for Wow Excellence Service
  4. Winner of Smart City with population above 1 million
  5. First Winner of Smart City Environment Area Award
  6. Indonesia's Best Smart City Award
  7. Social Technopreneur Award in the field of communications and information technology for the category of ICT-based city concept initiator.
  8. The Best of The Best Indonesia Digital Society Award (IDSA) Award
  9. E-health awards
The Venue

The CENIM - RCCIE 2018 Joint Conference will be held at JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya. The hotel is 5-star hotel in Surabaya, dedicated to providing a truly unparalleled experience for your Indonesia visit. You'll find our luxury hotel in the heart of the city's bustling shopping and business district, just minutes away from superb attractions. Surabaya Airport is a half-hour drive, and our hotel offers a scheduled shuttle service

Conference Topics

The theme of this conference is "Sharpening the Contribution of Computer Engineering and Telematics in Smart City to Improve the Quality of Human Life". Many research topics can be covered due to the Smart City theme, which is based on ICT and its contribution to all aspects of the city such as: energy, health, education, transportation, water, security, etc. Topic of interest includes, but not limited to:

  • Computer and Communication Networks
  • IoT and Ubiquitous Computing
  • ICT in Smart City
  • Telecommunication, Propagation and Networking
  • Electromagnetic and Radio Propagation
  • Wireless Sensor Network and Mobile Communications
  • Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
  • Embedded System
  • Game Technology and Game Engineering
  • Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Soft Computing and Machine Learning
  • Vision, Graphics, and Visualization
  • Biomedical Signal and Image Processing & Analysis
  • Computer and Information Security
  • Web Intelligent and Big Data
  • Multimedia Information Processing
  • Digital Forensics
  • Digital Signal and Image Processing
  • Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation
  • Computing Algorithms
  • Information Systems and Management
Keynote Speakers

The invited speakers are experts in the topics related to the theme of the conference "Sharpening the Contribution of Computer Engineering and Telematics in Smart City to Improve the Quality of Human Life". They come from different top universities in Japan, and CEO of a Leading Company in Smart City

1. Prof. Teruo Higashino
(Osaka University)

2. Prof. Takamichi Nakamoto
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

3. Prof. Masahiro Inoue Ph.D., PMP., PEJp.
(Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)

4.Prof. Dr. HAMAMOTO Kazuhiko
(Tokai University)

5.Prof. Laslo T. Koczy
(Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary))

6. Sihmirmo Adi
(Director of Enterprise Business Solution PT Telkomsigma)

Organizing Committee

  • General Chair: Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama
  • General Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Gamantyo Hendrantoro
  • Technical Program Committee Chair: Dr. Adhi Dharma Wibawa
  • Technical Program Committee Co-Chair: Mochammad Hariadi M.Eng., Ph.D.
International Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Hamamoto (Tokai University, Japan)
  • Prof. Dr. Miyanaga Yoshikazu (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  • Prof. Dr. Jun Miura (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
  • Prof. Gijbertus J. Verkerke (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Prof Laszlo T. Koczy (Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary)
  • Prof. Kondo Kunio (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
  • Prof. Tsuyoshi Usagawa (Kumamoto University, Japan)
  • Prof. Akihiko Hanafusa (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Shukri bin Muhammad Noor
  • Assoc. Prof. Ching-Chun (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nopporn Chotikakamthorn (King Mongkut s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr.Somsak Choomchuay (King Mongkut s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
  • Dr. Michael H.F. Wilkinson (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Dr. P.M.A. Van Ooijen (Unviversity Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Jan G. Svec, Ph.D. (Palacky University Olomouc, Cezh Republic)
  • Wen-Nung Lie, Ph.D. (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Ren-Song Ko (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
  • Poj Tangamchit, Ph.D. (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
  • Prof. Dr. Kohei Arai (Saga University, Japan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Kohichi Ogata (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Technical Program Committee

Program Schedule

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission deadline: 1 August 2018 15 August 2018 29 August 2018
Notification of Acceptance: 15 September 2018 25 September 2018 1 October 2018
Early Bird Registration: 25 September 2018 1 October 2018 5 October 2018 10 October 2018
Final Manuscript (Camera Ready): 10 October 2018 25 October 2018
Conference date: 26 - 27 November 2018

Schedule (Final)

First Day (November 26th, 2018)
07.00 - 08.00 Registration
08.00 - 08.30 Opening Ceremony
08.30 - 08.40 Welcome Speech : General Chairman of RC CIE - CENIM 2018
08.40 - 08.55 Welcome Speech : Rector of ITS, Prof. Joni Hermana
08.55 - 09.05 Official remark opening the Conference by Rector of ITS with ICHIRO robot attraction
09.05 - 09.45 Souvenirs for invited guests, photo session, and best paper awards
09.45 - 10.00 Break
10.05 - 10.40 First Keynote Speaker: Prof. Teruo Higashino, Osaka University
10.40 - 11.15 Second Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hamamoto Kazuhiko, Tokai University
11.15 - 11.50 Third Keynote Speaker : Prof. Laslo T. Koczy, Szechenyi Istvan University (Gyor, Hungary)
11.50 - 12.05 Q/A Session
12.05 - 12.55 Lunch, Pray, Break and Poster Session
13.00 - 13.35 Fourth Keynote Speaker : Prof. Takamichi Nakamoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology
13.35 - 14.10 Fifth Keynote Speaker : Prof. Masahiro Inoue, Shibaura Intitute of Technology
14.10 - 14.45 Sixth Keynote Speaker : Sihmirmo Adi ST., MT. (PT Telkom Sigma, Indonesia)
14.45 - 15.00 Q/A Session
15.00 - 15.15 Break
15.15 - 17.15 Techincal Session I
19.00 - 21.00 Gala Dinner
Second Day (November 27th, 2018)
08.00 - 10.00 Techincal Session II
10.00 - 10.30 Break
10.30 - 12.30 Technical Session III
12.30 - 13.00 MI Presentation by AUN/SEED-Net and Closing Ceremony
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Submit Paper

The submission and review process for CENIM 2018 and RCCIE 2018 is separated. Please kindly find the explanation for each conference as follows.

CENIM 2018

The submitted paper must be formatted according to IEEE conference template found at the following link

Submission checklist
  1. All submission will be handled electronically using EDAS system at following link By submitting a paper through EDAS system, the authors agree to policies of EDAS system.
  2. The paper must be formatted using IEEE conference template. Please ensure that the submitted paper use A4 paper size format.
  3. CENIM use single-blind review process. Please provide all authors information in the submitted paper clearly.
  4. Please ensure that the submitted paper contains no more than 6 pages (including references) and can be extended to 8 pages (including references) with additional charges. A lengthy paper will be rejected without review.
Submission procedure
  1. Logging into EDAS system, if you new to EDAS please register to the system.
  2. Update information (including affiliations).
  3. Go to submission site at following link
  4. Fill all metadata information for the paper.
  5. Fill all information of the authors.
  6. Upload the pdf paper via EDAS and make sure that all checking process in the EDAS submission system was passed.

RCCIE 2018

The submitted paper must be formatted according to following template
All submission to RCCIE 2018 will be handled electronically using EDAS system.
Several best papers will be invited to be published an extended version of the paper on ASEAN Engineering Journal.
Submission checklist
  1. Make sure that the submitted paper follows the template of RCCIE 2018.
  2. All submission will be handled electronically using EDAS system at following link By submitting a paper through EDAS system, the authors agree to policies of EDAS system.
  3. RCCIE 2018 use single-blind review process. Please provide all authors information in the submitted paper clearly.
  4. Please ensure that the submitted paper contains no more than 6 pages (including references).
Submission procedure
  1. Logging into EDAS system, if you new to EDAS please register to the system.
  2. Update information (including affiliations).
  3. Go to submission site at following link
  4. Fill all metadata information for the paper.
  5. Fill all information of the authors.
  6. Upload the pdf paper via EDAS and make sure that all checking process in the EDAS submission system was passed.
  • Registration Procedure :

  • 1. Scan receipt of payments
  • 2. Scan proof of IEEE membership and student ID (if any)
  • 3. Send files specified at points (1) to (2) via email at:
  • Subject:"CENIM Payment of paper number [Paper ID Number]"
  • 4. All payment can be done by a bank transfer to our account at:
    Bank Name : Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)
    Account Number : 2255822528
    Account Holder : CENIM ITS
    Branch Name : Kantor Cabang Pembantu ITS, Surabaya
    Address : Kampus ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Registration Fee Policy :
  1. The listed registration fees applies for the 1st author of accepted papers.
  2. The listed registration fees applies for 1 (ONE) paper under the 1st author, and a maximum of 2 (TWO) additional paper under the same 1st author are allowed for registration at 50% discount.
  3. Accepted papers with more than 6 (SIX) in page count will be charged by USD30 per excess page, up to an absolute maximum of 8 (EIGHT) pages allowed for each paper.
  4. Accepted papers included in the final proceedings are expected to have at least 1 (ONE) author to attend and present the paper at the conference. Accepted papers that are not presented (or no-show papers) will not be included in the final proceedings.
  5. Payments must be made in full, with corresponding bank charges and transfer fee be paid for by the registrant.
  6. No refunds will be made available for registered participants that failed to attend the event.


Category of Participant Early Bird Regular
International Participant (USD) IEEE Member 200 250
Non IEEE Member 250 300
Student IEEE Member 150 200
Student Non-IEEE Member 200 250
Attendant (Without Paper) 100 100
Indonesian Participant (IDR) IEEE Member 1.500.000 2.000.000
Non IEEE Member 2.000.000 2.500.000
Student IEEE Member 1.000.000 1.500.000
Student Non-IEEE Member 1.500.000 2.000.000
Attendant (Without Paper) 500.000 500.000
*Free registration fee for RC-CIE 2018
Visa Information

The visa we are about to describe is the Visit Visa, issued by the Indonesian Embassy. This type of visa is issued for one time travel and is intended towards purposes such as participating in seminars.

There are two types of Visit Visa that can be used:

1. Visit Visa on Arrival
This visa can be applied for if the nationality of the applicant(s) are included on the Visa on Arrival countries list.

2. Visit Visa
This visa can be applied by the applicant(s) in Indonesian Embassy or Consulates or by the guarantor(s) of the applicant(s) to the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta.

Visa Requirements:

1. Visit Visa on Arrival
a. A valid passport that is still valid for at least 6 (SIX) months from the date of request
b. Valid return tickets to and from the country

2. Visit Visa
All of the above, plus:
a. Letters of application and guarantee from the applicant(s) and guarantor(s)
b. A copy of valid bank accounts, living cost and spending plans while in Indonesia
c. ID photo in full color, dimensions of 4x6cm

3. Visit Visa, applicants are stateless or has no nationality
All of the above, plus:
a. Valid reentry permit, either as letter of request from the Government or letter of approval from an official

Visa Procedure:
This procedure applies to those applying for a standard Visit Visa.
1. Applicant(s) submits visa application to local Indonesian Embassy/Consulates and pays the required amount (telex fee payment)
2. Embassy/Consulates checks application for approval / forwards application to the Directorate General of Immigration for approval (for stateless/non-nationality persons).
3. If the requirements are satisfied and payments have been made, the visa should be issued within 3 business days.
4. Applicants proceed to Indonesia. Entry stamps will be obtained in the border or upon arrival.

More Info:

Visit Visa